
On-time payouts

Receive your payments always on time.

Here at AdNet, we understand the importance of cash flow to our publishers, therefore, we offer various options of payment methods and payment terms.


You have many payment options - you can deposit using PayPal, AlertPay and Wire Transfer. What's best, your AdNet account works like a wallet - whatever you do not spend, can be withdrawn. We hate all those NET30, NET60 payment terms and we are sure you are not a fan of those as well. You can request withdrawal of your AdNet revenue anytime you want. Usually, you will see money in your PayPal or AlertPay account within 24 hours. Your earnings are deposited in a kind of wallet, so you can even use them to buy popunder traffic to your own websites.

types of display ads:

When it comes to display advertising, you can access several types of display ads, including:

  • Static
  • Animated
  • Video
  • Expanding
What is Display ads Network?

Display ads are visual ads that usually contain your business’s logo, photos, some text, or even an animation. It all depends on what you create.

Why use the AdNet Display Network?
  • The AdNet Display Network is huge and includes over two million sites and other locations your display ads can appear. You can reach a lot of potential customers.
  • Another great benefit is the network’s audience targeting. You have different options to get your ads in front of people with the right interests and intents. Your ads will show up in front of people who fit into your target audience.
  • It’s like a virtual billboard, but instead of having a bunch of random cars drive by, you’re only showing it to people on the web who would be interested in what’s on it.
  • Because these ads are visual and not just text-based like search ads, you have so much opportunity to get creative and make your ad pop.
How do you target audiences on the AdNet Display Network?
  • So there are several audience targeting methods when you’re creating a AdsBhoomy Display ad. I’ll go over a few of them.
  • The first audience I’ll talk about is an affinity audience. This is an audience made up of people interested in whatever your ad offers.
  • So if you run a music venue and you’re advertising a huge jazz festival, you can choose to target music lovers, and more specifically, jazz enthusiasts, in your display ad.
  • Next are in-market audiences. This one is just like it sounds. You target people who are in the market for something you offer. So if you’re advertising your phones or phone plans, you can target people looking for electronics..
  • Remarketing is also a great way of reaching your audience. With this type of targeting, you place your ads in front of people who have interacted in some way with your brand. This audience has done things like visiting your website or watching your videos.
  • The last audience targeting I’ll talk about is demographics targeting, which uses things like a person’s gender and age to determine if they see your ad. So if you want to target your ad to people of a certain age, you can.
How do you create AdNet Display Ads?
  • You create display ads in your AdNet Ads account.
  • You can choose to upload your own designs or enter your information for a responsive display ad, which will change to fit the space available.
  • When designing your responsive display ad, you’ll upload elements like your logo, images related to your brand, videos, and add headlines, descriptions, and more.
  • You can really get creative with your ad copy and the visual elements.
How much does the AdNet Display Network cost?
  • There’s not really one answer. The cost can vary depending on how much you want to spend, who you’re targeting, and the industry you’re in. But don’t worry; you can set a budget that works for you.
  • We’ve put together a blog post about the average cost of AdNet so you can estimate what you’ll spend on your campaigns.
  • The cost can also change if you decide to partner with a digital marketing agency, and we can recommend a really, really good one for PPC management.
  • So if you’re ready to start growing your business with AdNet Display Network, don’t hesitate to contact us!
What is used to measure the success of Display Marketing?
  • If your organization intends to activate Display Advertising, it is important to understand some key metrics that you will encounter throughout your engagement process such as Reach, Click through rates, Bounce rates and Conversion rates and of course return on Investment in order to have a better picture of the performance of your Online Display Marketing activities.
  • Reach for online advertisements are defined by the number of people who can potentially view your advertisement online. Typically this will be represented by the number of visitors that visit the advertisement network you are planning to use.
    Click through Rate (CTR)
  • Typically, when we talk about online marketing, a click through rate refers to the likelihood of a user clicking on your online initiative. This is generally used as a benchmark by advertising agencies to gauge how well an advertisement or a campaign is received by the audience.
    Bounce Rate (BCR)
  • Bounce rate is the percentage of visits that go only to one page before exiting the site.
  • When a user bounces on a page that was advertised by a display advertisement, it indicates that the user was intrigued enough to click on the advertisement, but when they visited your site, they found that what they saw on the advertised page is not relevant to them.
  • There are a number of factors that contribute to your bounce rate. For example, visitors might leave your site from the entrance page if there are site design or usability issues. Alternatively, visitors might also leave the site after viewing a single page if they were not able to find what they were expecting.
    Conversion Rate (CVR)
  • The conversion rate basically tells you what percentage of the people clicking through an AD ended up completing an action or a goal that the advertiser desired. This could be anything from a purchase made online, a registration for a newsletter or even a request for more information.
    Return on Investment (ROI)
  • When brands embark on display marketing, there is always a cost involved together with a goal to be achieved. Return on investment in layman’s tries to quantify how much value is obtained for every ringgit spent.
  • In its simplest form, imagine an advertisement that will run for a month before Valentine’s that you are using to drive traffic from search engines to market flowers throughout Malaysia.
  • If the cost of the campaign was RM 10,000.00 and the sales generated by the campaign was RM 50,000.00, this means that for every RM 1 spent, the brand earned RM 5 back.


How can I increase my display campaign’s performance?
  • As Bhoomy Analytics Partners, we are able to assist in planning & setting up the environment to track and measure your online display marketing activities and relating it back to actual business results.
  • Getting basic insights from your online media agency is useful, but when combined with the information from your brand’s online marketing activities, they offer a clearer picture of how well your business is doing.
  • Let us help you identify how you can improve your Return on Investment (ROI) and accelerate your business.
  • The cost can also change if you decide to partner with a digital marketing agency, and we can recommend a really, really good one for PPC management.
  • So if you’re ready to start growing your business with AdNet Display Network, don’t hesitate to contact us!
What is used to measure the success of Social Media Marketing?
  • If your organization intends to embark on marketing activities through social media, it is important to understand some key metrics that you will encounter throughout your engagement process such as Reach, Engagement and Virality in order to have a better picture of the performance of your Social Media Marketing activities.
  • Reach
  • Reach is defined by the number of people who can potentially listen to your messages. In platforms like Facebook, they are termed as fans and are indicated by the number of likes obtained on a fan page.
  • Engagement
  • Engagement is a general term used to indicate interactions between the brand and it’s audience. Typically on Facebook, this is measured by action fans take such as when they click like on your content, when they respond by making comments and even making a post on your wall.
  • Virality
  • Virality is an interesting term that refers to how often your content is shared with other users. This ultimately boils down to how interesting your content is, how relevant it is to the people that see it and how useful it would be when shared between a fan and their pool of friends.
  • On Facebook, this is represented by the share function that is used whenever a user feels that their friends would also like to know about it.